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SNX - Bar Code Pro 6.11
Bar Code Pro 6.11
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Mac OS X
About Bar Code Pro 6.11
Bar Code Pro 6.11 for Macintosh® provides desktop publishers and graphic designers the bar codes required for hundreds of industrial applications. From UPC and EAN for general merchandise and retail applications, to POSTNET for mail envelopes, to Code 39 and ITF for inventory control and warehousing, Bar Code Pro 6.0 has over twenty symbologies and hundreds of variations available. Designed for use by both the savvy professional as well as the bar coding beginner, Bar Code Pro 6.11 for Macintosh® is both powerful and easy-to-use.
Bar Code Pro 6.11 won't let you make a mistake.
- Only when input dimensions are within acceptable ranges is a symbol created.
- Only when the data conforms to standards is a symbol created.
- Only when selected colors yield the required contrast is a symbol created.
Bar Code Pro 6.0 has all of the features you'll need to get the job done right.
In fact, Bar Code Pro is now in daily use on more than 150,000 computers around the world!
Bar Code Pro 6.0 symbologies include: Code 128, Code 25, Code 39, ITF, JAN, EAN, UPC, UCC/EAN 128, ISBN, ISSN, FIM, POSTNET, PHARMACODE, and MSI/PLESSEY.
Bar Code Pro 6.0 variations include: LOGMARS, FACT DATA IDENTIFIERS, APPLICATION IDENTIFIERS (AI), PZN, HIBC, NDC, ISBN, ISSN, UCC/EAN 128 Coupon Formats, and many, many more.
Manual (en PDF): [ Descargar ]

Última edición por TommyGun; 15 08 2010 a las 12:34 PM
Razón: Resubido!
Los siguientes 7 usuarios agradecieron a TommyGun por este aporte:
adrian zambelli (04 01 2008),angelr2004 (27 02 2008),blackey202 (13 08 2010),ciklopo (19 11 2007),elos (15 03 2008),gildcrow (16 01 2008),rainforest (01 04 2008)
lo estaba buscando
OK, será que lo alguien lo tendrá pero para versión Windows ??
Suena bastante interesante el programa y habrá q probarlo. Gracias por la subida, saludos.
gracias espero que sigan asi gracias
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