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Sherlock Holmes The Awakened
Sherlock Holmes The Awakened
By: Ascaron Entertainment GmbH, Frogwares
Genre: Adventure
At 221b Baker Street, a typical London day begins: fog in the morning, afternoon and evening. Sherlock Holmes is in a mood of malcontent this morning, and it has been a goodly time since the famous detective was called to a case worthy of his innate talents. However, Doctor Watson's arrival rapidly dispels this monotonous break, since he brings news of the mysterious disappearance of a young Maori maid who works for one of Watson's patients, Captain Stenwick.
Upon arriving on site, Holmes will discover the first clues of a very strange affair; related not to a disappearance, but to a kidnapping. Holmes' theory will be proven correct when he discovers similar cases reported in the press and by certain interrogated individuals. There can be no doubt at all; only a powerful organisation could be capable of planning and enacting these kidnappings. But for what reason, since there lies no apparent link between the various disappearances and the puzzling lack of ransom demands? The investigation and the discovery of macabre clues will quickly show that behind this mysterious organisation hides a strange and disturbing sect, worshippers of the god Cthulhu, who border on the edge of reason.
Última edición por Luisfecab; 20 05 2009 a las 08:58 AM
Los siguientes 5 usuarios agradecieron a [TmK] Mario por este aporte:
ametsu (09 10 2007),darkness7 (05 02 2008),gggg (10 09 2007),nachof007 (17 01 2008),robertelcubanito (08 03 2008)
Gracias por el aporte, vamos a ver que tal anda este jueguito.
Última edición por TommyGun; 08 02 2007 a las 01:54 PM
Razón: No citar el mensaje original por favor!!!
Gracias por el aporte, aver que tal el juego
gracias por el aporte mi buen.. ya esperaba este juego
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