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Fetch Mac OS X FTP/SFTP Client v5.3
Fetch Mac OS X FTP/SFTP Client 5.3
Fetch is the most easy-to-use, full-featured FTP and SFTP client for the Apple Macintosh.
Fetch is a Macintosh program for transferring files over networks, such as the Internet, using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).
Fetch 5 includes all the standard features of a modern FTP/SFTP client, presented in a user interface that is simple and easy to use.
Fetch can be used to:
Publish a website at a web hosting provider.
Rename, move, delete, and change the permissions of files on a web server in order to maintain a website.
Publish images for eBay auction listings.
Transfer documents to a printing company or service bureau.
Submit advertisements to newspapers and magazines.
Move files between your Macintosh and other computers or specialized equipment.
Fetch is compatible with a wide range of FTP, SFTP, and FTP with TLS/SSL (FTPS) servers, from mainframes and high-end servers to Macintosh, UNIX, Windows, and Netware computers, and even servers in prepress systems, image editing systems, photo processing equipment, and medical imaging systems.
Última edición por TommyGun; 25 03 2008 a las 01:12 PM
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