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LightZone 3.5
LightZone 3.5

From editing RAW photographs or JPEG, TIFF or DNG photos, LightZone is a complete digital image editing application in a single software package. LightZone's intelligent editing features help adjust exposures, boost overall color, correct color shifts and white balance errors, selectively sharpen or blur images or parts of images, remove dust spots and reduce the noise often found in high-ISO digital images.
LightZone is the only photo-editor where every operation is a smart operation.
An unlimited tool stack allows for unlimited edits to the photograph, in which the hierarchy determines in what order these edits are performed.
Edit instructions are stored as non destructive operational layers (rather than pixel layers). Individual edit operations can be sequenced differently and turned on or off.
Los siguientes 5 usuarios agradecieron a Rural por este aporte:
gfquinde (21 03 2008),kant (04 07 2008),nabab (05 07 2008),OneZero (21 03 2008),pedro_997 (21 03 2008)
gracias, very welcome for my persona!
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