David Irving - The Search for Truth in History [1993]
Documental en inglés
XVID | 693 MB
© David Irving, Focal Point, 1993
The video you are about to see, an address taped by British historian David Irving, concerns one of the most amazing attempts of thought control this century.
The attempt to prevent David Irving from visiting and lecturing in Australia, following a similar ban in Canada, raises grave questions for the supporters of freedom everywhere.
Why is there an internationally orchestrated campaign against David Irving at this time?
This has never happened before.
A prodigious writer, Irving has had over 20 major historical works to his credit, starting with his best seller "The Destruction of Dresden" in 1963.
Irving's works have been published by prestigious publishing houses such as Macmillan, William Collins, Simon and Schuster, Hodder and Stoughton and Michael Joseph.
While some of his works have been described as "controversial", his works generally have been favourably reviewed. His major work, "Hitler's War", will be found in most university libraries around the world and in military academies.
Well known British historian, A. J. P. Taylor, best known for his "Origins of the Second World War", has described Irving as "a patient researcher of unrivalled industry and success", while major establishment historian Hugh Trevor-Roperhas said that "no praise could be too high for Irving's indefatigable, scholarly industry".